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The TechWyse Difference

If you’re like most people we talk to, you’re here because you’ve dipped your feet in Internet marketing and didn’t quite get the results you had expected. Or maybe you’ve heard all the buzz about search marketing for a while now and have begun to look for an Internet marketing company to guide you.

If you’ve been burned before – we understand. It’s a new industry and people don’t always know the questions to ask. What you’ll find with us is that we work within a carefully planned process called the SMART PLAN CYCLE and we have the bandwidth to ensure all of our unique clients needs are addressed.

Getting Internet Marketing Done According To A Process

We are a team of more than 150 avid internet marketers that all specialize in one of the three core areas which contribute to a successful internet marketing campaign.

This four step process which you will see all over the TechWyse website is called the SMART PLAN and is essential in delivering an impactful end-to-end Internet marketing solution.

Founded in 2001 by DJ Kennedy, the company was built and continues to evolve because of the careful attention to creating a complete Internet marketing solution for our clients.

Doing Internet Marketing Right For A Long Time

Back in 2001, TechWyse CEO DJ Kennedy was often quoted saying, "The internet is so new that companies will soon figure out that websites are not just here as a placeholders to show company information. In a very short time websites will be a valuable marketing tool that will rival and exceed every other advertising medium in existence today."

That time has come and we at TechWyse have been here to partake in the wonderful evolution of the internet marketing industry!

What Makes TechWyse Special?

You won't see the SMART PLAN process replicated around the world? Why? To be successful in the full internet marketing cycle a company needs a large team of highly driven and specialized individuals.

With more than 150 people organized within this four pronged umbrella, we at TechWyse can plan, launch, maintain and continually improve using an array of tools that ensure complete online dominance.

This Is Where We Work

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This is who we are. Are you looking to work in a fun office environment alongside the industry's best? Find out how you can be part of TechWyse.

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