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At TechWyse, our website is not just about our services. We’ve also worked hard to create valuable tools and resources for people to use. We think of it as a way to give back to the Internet marketing community!

Our industry is all about sharing, and that’s why we’ve created this section of our website. So have a look around; watch some videos, read some infographic and interviews, or use one of our tools. We’re confident you’ll find valuable information and strategies that will take your Internet marketing campaign to the next level!

Internet Marketing Tools

We're all about creating innovative tools to help bring you the best results. Our tools are free and created to help you get the job done!


There are a lot of so-called experts in the Internet marketing industry, but there are a much smaller number of Industry thought leaders and visionaries.


Welcome to our videos page. Here you’ll find the latest Wyse in Five (minutes) videos from the TechWyse Guru team! We cover everything from SEO, to social to content strategy in these videos.


Infographics are a great way to convey information. We blend information with cutting edge design to bring you some of the web’s best SEO, PPC, Social Media and Content.


Our eBooks provide a one-stop-shop for understanding all things Internet marketing. Read interviews from authorities in the industry, find tips on optimizing your online presence, and get educated on the latest changes in PPC, SEO and more.