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Internet Marketing Infographics

Infographics are a great way to convey information. We blend information with cutting edge design to bring you some of the web’s best SEO, PPC, Social Media, and Content Marketing related infographics. If you like what you see, please like, share and comment. You will win major Internet marketing karma points if you do!

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What is the first platform that comes to your mind when you think of social media' Was it TikTok' Twitter' Post a comment below this blog to let us know.' As the world's most popularsocial website, there's a good chance that the platform you thought of first was Facebook. Since its initial launch in 2004, Facebook has steadily risen in popularity and is now used by billions worldwide.' Facebook has become an integral part of our -

Social Media is a powerful tool that has created a way to send a marketer's message to the right people at the right time. Social media can earn you traffic, sales, and even long-term loyalty from your customers when executed well. If you are a marketer in Canada andyou're thinking of marketing on social media platforms to get some attention from your audience, then you should check out these important statistics. Canadian Social Media Statistics 2022 will assist you in getting an accurate picture of social media platforms and the users in -

Facebook, or should we say, 'The Facebook,' was launched by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004. Initially created solely for college students attending specific schools, it reached one million users in just ten short months after its inception. Eighteen years later, in 2022, Facebook (now named Meta)has nearly 2.9 billion monthly users! This number doesn't even include Facebook's acquisitions like WhatsApp and Instagram (to name a few). During this wave of extreme growth, Mark Zuckerberg has acquired 94 companies to date. Facebook's largest acquisition has been WhatsApp Messenger, which they -

According to the Cambridge English dictionary, an infographic means a picture, diagram, or a group of pictures and diagrams showing or explaining information. In more detail, an infographic is the visual representation ofdata and information using the elements such as an image, a chart, a diagram, or even a video. Infographics are one of the best examples of visual communication. A good infographic can easily grab the attention of the audience, making it an effective marketing tool. Here are five key factors -

As a business owner, there are few better ways to generate leads and build recurring digital marketing revenues than through Google Ads. Google ads are your connection to your purchase-ready online audience. This means errors in your Google Ad campaigns can have a long-term impact on revenue. Youcould be limiting your return on marketing investment and preventing your company from reaching its full potential. It's not too late to turn your Google Ad campaigns around and revitalize your digital brand. Let's review the top 10 Google Ads -

According to statistics, 4.72 billion people use the internet worldwide in April 2021. This number accounts for more than 60% of the global population. As a result, having a solid social media presence wouldundoubtedly assist a business in reaching new heights. Around 2 million websites and applications are part of the Google Display Network. Setting up and optimizing your ads on Google's Display Network is not a piece of cake, particularly when it comes to the dimensions of the images you are -

When you are into content marketing, you are already ticking many boxes to help drive profitable customer action. These include factors such as creating powerful content, using appropriate keywords, and keeping ideas relevant and updated. However, in this ever-expanding sea of content, we alsohave to deal with information overload. Reaching your potential customers can be as tricky as grasping at a shadow! One of the relatively easy ways to overcome this situation would be to try out

Google penalties are the bogeymen of every webmaster's worst nightmare. To get slapped with a search engine penalty means traffic flatlining, and reaching almost zero SEO visibility; it can take your site months to recover from the damage. When your SEO rank starts to slip, it is not always donein an explainable way. That is why familiarizing yourself with Google's guidelines is vital, whether you are a webmaster or the business owner. Continue reading to learn more about how to diagnose Google penalties and what you can do to avoid them. What Is a Google Penalty'

It's no secret that for every year that passes, our world becomes more digitally driven. By knowing this, proven online sales strategies are necessary to separate you from the competition. As time is of the essence, instead of fumbling through failures using trial-and-error, focus your time andresources on proven strategies to deliver the results you need. The Importance of Online Sales Technological advances in delivery services and payment platforms combined with the long-term impact COVID-19 will have on physical retail means -

Amazon has spent billions of dollars over the years, from buying new products to integrating ideas to services like Amazon Drive, Audible, Amazon Prime, Kindle, A9 and many more -- much like the river Amazon! Before wedive into the list of companies acquired by Amazon, let's put on our glasses and read some of Amazon's interesting history. History of Amazon! Starting in 1995 as a website that only sold books, -

We have heard a lot of complaints about LinkedIn advertising being useless. As a matter of fact, unlike Facebook, LinkedIn is not for every business. However, there are a lot of B2B marketers out there looking for ways to advertise on LinkedIn to spread brand awareness and drive leads. It is anexcellent platform for many business-minded social interactions. If you are looking at targeting c-suite professionals, just spreading brand awareness, or providing insight to marketers, LinkedIn advertising is the right solution for you! Pro Tip: If you want to get started on LinkedIn right -

Everybody loves Instagram! It quickly gained popularity in 2010 when it was released for iOS. Nine years and several updates later, Instagram is now owned by Facebook with an estimated user count of around 1 billion monthly active users. As advertisers, this platform is too big for us not to utilize. Instagram's business account feature was launched in May 2016 and is a nifty way of marketing your business. What's so special about -

You might have heard people saying that the attention span of humans is decreasing day by day. If you think it is exaggerated, you're not entirely correct. While technically there is nothing wrong with our attention span, there is no denying that it is becoming impossible for anything to hold ourinterest for a long time. It has nothing to do with our brain or nervous system, it's just that we have an immense number of options. Every day we are fed with so much information on various platforms that we are gradually losing patience to sit down and watch, read, or listen to long -

Internet marketing is no longer an option -- it's an essential part of building'your brand and boosting your lead generation. Through social media, you can go a step further by building an audience of devoted followers. Your influence over your followers will grow your brand even more with lesseffort: Here some benefits of using digital marketing: 1. Reaches the right audience There are plenty of tools you can use to'engage'with a'targeted audience that you've identified as ideal for your brand. 2.'Increases engagement Your target -

Many websites today perform poorly when it comes to page speed, which has a direct impact on their revenue. There are many things we can do as digital marketers, and there is never enough time to do them all. Website page speed is an important factor in digital marketing today. It can impact howlong visitors stay on your site and consequently affects the conversions. It also has a significant effect on your organic ranking. One of the things that we often miss out on is optimizing page speed. This is mainly because most people don't understand it's importance. So, they don't see the -

Last year, the Wall Street Journal reported that Google plans to build its own ad blocker for Chrome. Now it is official that Google Chrome will'stop showing disruptive ads on sites after they've been flagged. But why Google decided to build its own ad blocker, since the company itself is an advertising company' Not surprisingly, Google won't -

In order to increase your ranking on Google, it's a good idea to invest your time and money in both free and paid internet marketing tools. Let's jump into 2020 with a compiled list of tools that can help make your internet marketing easier and more efficient. These tools will allow you to savetime while at the same time reaping the benefits of their effects. Indulge in the infographic below and enjoy the competitive edge you receive with the addition of the outlined software's. -

Everywhere you turn online, video is taking over. While most major social mediaplatforms are doubling down on video, there is still no bigger hub of video activity than YouTube. With over a billion hours of video content consumed every day, there -

With Slack all set to launch the Enterprise version of their famed collaboration app today, we thought that it would be a great idea to put together a detailed, visual comparison between what both apps have to offer. We dissected and compared everything from the navigation, to the colors andthemes, to the third party apps and integrations, to built-in'bots, to the different'price points. We then caged our designer Viswajith until he visualized all the data in a graphic depicting how the two apps stack against each other. Both apps aim to achieve a particularly lofty goal: -

Infographics are so popular now that you'll no longer get the same traction as you once did if you don't go the extra mile in both your research and your design. But it's also a new enough medium that not everyone has figured out how to do it well, or how to take static information and weave ittogether in a way that has a point of view, tells a story and sends a message. The goal is to make it quick and easy'for the reader to digest the key pieces of statistics and information that you've laid out for them. The more that you can visualize, or show instead of tell, the better. Tip -

People on the internet are impatient, to the point where they won't wait more than 2 seconds for a page to load before they move on to something else. Speed is a critical part of the overall user experience on a site and directly affects theway users interpret your brand and product. If your website takes too long to load, people will leave and many of them won't come back. Even worse is the fact that 44% of those people will tell their friends about the poor experience -

Writing effective Call-to-Action copy has a significant impact on website conversion rates. Whether you're aiming to grow eCommerce sales, gather more prospective leads, or boost email subscribers, CTAs play a vital role in conversion optimization and click rates. CTAs help you guide the user from being a visitor to becoming a lead to ultimately making a sale. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for writing -

Content marketing is one of the most popular marketing trends of today. Every single company is busy with curating, creating, and publishing the content. This makes content marketing a'very important role in building brand awareness for your brand and products. What is EvergreenContent' Evergreen content is a content that will always be relevant to your audience and never goes out of date. Unlike topics that may change over time, evergreen content always remain 'fresh'. This type of content stays timeless and is valuable for your readers.'In fact, evergreen -

Shopping is a girl's thing right' With all things considered, it's no longer a girl's thing. There are numerous online stores with an extensive variety of tech devices that can cause any man to be glued to the screen for a considerable length of time. Likewise, there are various web stores thatcater to'children as well as the elderly. E-commerce sites usually engage their clients and are prepared to battle 'for every last one of them. Nowadays, you can't generally say that online shopping is a specific business'industry with access to limited people. There are no widespread features or -

In order to increase your ranking on Google, it's a good idea to invest your time and money in both free and paid internet marketing tools. Let's jump into 2015 with a compiled list of tools that can help make your internet marketing easier and more efficient. These tools will allow you to savetime while at the same time reaping the benefits of their effects. Indulge in the infographic below and enjoy the competitive edge you receive with the addition of the outlined software's.

There's no doubt that investing your company's time in social media can be beneficial-- companies expand their reach to a new clientele and increase brand awareness everyday through their social campaigns. But since the rise of social media marketing, there has been one common truth among all social platforms: If you don't have a proper strategy for your social efforts, they're going to fall flat. Also on -

To achieve and maintain strong rankings, your site needs to be best in class; it must offer a delightful user experience. There are some great free and paid tools that can help make your Internet marketing easier and more efficient. We have compiled a list of tools that covers most, if not allcategories of Internet marketing. These tools will save time while letting you do more. This makes marketing easier, more interesting, and even more fun! Using the software outlined here will give you a competitive edge over your rivals. We hope that this infographic leads you to some new -

Facebook advertising continues to play a larger role in many businesses online advertising mix. With more people using Facebook than ever, their ad offerings have diversified considerably since the beginning. What's more, every time Facebook updates its User Interface, new ad dimensions are alsoimplemented. It can get pretty confusing! Especially if you want your ads to look impressive, and professional. We've put together an Infographic that outlines all of Facebook's current ad dimensions and specifications. Everything you need to ensure your Facebook ads are optimized correctly can -

Each year, Pay-Per-Click advertising becomes more expensive. If you are driving traffic to a landing page, it's essential to follow best practice in page layout to remain cost-effective.Once a person clicks your ad, it's up to the landing page to close the deal. There's no sense in having a great ad that drives people to an irrelevant and hard-to-use landing page. Do your potential customers a favour by creating a landing -

Fresh off the success of our Facebook Cheat Sheet Infographic, we are happy to launch our new Google+ Dimensions Cheat Sheet for designers,social media managers, and webmasters. This handy infographic acts as a speedy reference for image dimensions for Google+ pages and Google+ Local pages. Google+ is quickly gaining steam with its arsenal of productivity tools like email and search. As of May 2013, the network had over 500 million -

Howdy Ya'll!Most of us in the SEO community abide by these commandments set forth by Matt Cutts and the Google Webspam Team. However, time and again our internet marketing agency has to educate our clients and prospects about ourSEO services and the right way to build quality links. So if you're a beginner or if you need an entertaining way to teach your clients and/or prospects about some SEO basics then this is the infographic for you! Please have a read and feel free to like, -

Three great tools for backlink analysis have been constantly improving over the last few years. Open Site Explorer from SEOmoz, Ahrefs and Majestic SEO each have features that set them apart. Also -

Link building techniques are ever-evolving. At TechWyse we always stay on top of local'Toronto SEO'trends. Infographics are a great way to build links and enhance your internet marketing strategy. Effective Link Building is an art. We build links in manydifferent ways and opportunities for doing so certainly differ between clients. This infographic has been created to demonstrate various link building techniques that can help you get noticed online and can positively influence your search engine rankings. Enjoy the infographic!