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Infographic Design and Development Services

Transform your data and information into compelling infographic designs.

Infographics balance words and images to create one of the most engaging forms of marketing content. Retain your audience for longer with impressive, brand-appropriate images and design, in hand with quick, easy to absorb snippets of information.

At TechWyse, we create impactful infographics with easy to read layouts, brand-friendly designs and engaging content that pulls in your audience and generates more website visitors. There’s no easier way to convey a message, educate, entertain, or instruct your audience.

Custom Infographic Designs for Your Business

The saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” The keyword here is “worth.” When you invest in creating meaningful infographics, it is worth more than the words alone. Your business needs infographics to help get your message out — namely, that you are an expert in your industry. So why use infographics?

  • They cover every base as they are educational, informational, and easy to understand
  • You feed the reader only the key bites of information they need, making it easier to understand and digest
  • The combination of images and well-chosen words tell visual stories people engage with
  • They can complement your blogs and social media posts
  • Infographics are an educational piece perfectly suited to establish yourself as an expert in your industry

Still not convinced? Then consider these facts:

  • 40% of content creators say customized visuals are the biggest engagement drivers of all their marketing methods
  • Marketers experience 80% higher readership when they include visuals like charts and graphs or colour design in their content
  • 65% of the population are visual learners

Are You Ready to Take Your Business To The Top?

Our Experts Do Infographics Better with Proven Strategies

We use proven strategies to ensure that your infographic gets the results you expect because we understand
infographics play a number of roles in your overall marketing strategy, including:

Search Engine Optimizations

Infographics are a great SEO tool to build traffic for your website. They provide valuable information that Google prefers to share with searchers. Infographics are a great way to introduce and rank for complex topics that people may need more information about. The infographics we create can lead to significant improvements in your online efforts, increasing your rankings.

Backlinks & Shareability

TechWyse strives to create incredibly shareable infographics, helping you generate more backlinks to your website. As they convey quick bites of highly valuable content, people will share them, link to them, or feature them on a blog. Infographics are not only an ideal way to produce more backlinks but also increases your chances of being featured by other industry experts. You gain from their authority while getting your business and brand more attention.

Increase Sales

Infographics create inbound marketing opportunities by providing an easy to read overview outlining your process, the benefits of your product, and even some comparisons that feature you against the competition. Our infographics can be a powerful sales tool that educates prospects on your product, pushing them further along the sales funnel.

Brand Awareness

As infographics bring more traffic to your site and recognition online, your brand awareness will also benefit. Position your business as a thought leader in your industry with high-quality infographics that quickly and easily get information across. As infographics are visual, it’s easy for your brand to shine in clever ways that expose your expertise.

Our Creative Infographic Design Process

Infographics are second nature to our designers — our focus is all things visual. Our design team presents your information in an engaging way that tells a quick story to help persuade people to act. Our infographic team attacks infographic creation in 4 steps:

Research the Topic

Our SEO experts perform thorough research to find the best topic and perspective that will net you the best infographic

Design a Draft

Our experienced design team begin by designing the infographic with an eye-catching palette, images, and fonts that live cohesively

Write Enticing and
Digestible Content

Expert content writers will take the research and create easy to understand, digestible content people will remember and want to share

Refine with You

Once we’ve completed the draft, we’ll bring you in and see if it matches your vision

We make it easy to add infographics to your marketing efforts.

Stunning And Professional Infographics With TechWyse

At TechWyse, we combine eye-catching designs and expert research to create enticing content that is shareable and memorable.
Infographics are universal, and any business can benefit from them. We’ve created and promoted infographics across various industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, financial services and much more.

Interested in infographic design and development services? Contact our team to learn more about what infographics can do for you.


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Frequently Asked Infographic Questions

How do infographics impact my bottom line?

Infographics are an easy and appealing way to share a wealth of information in one place. When done properly, they can generate great backlinks, a high volume of traffic, and countless social shares. With the help of your social platforms, you can dramatically expand your reach with a single infographic.

Does TechWyse write the content for infographics?

Can I request topics for my infographic?

Where do you put infographics?