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A landing page is a standalone web page designed and optimized for a specific marketing or advertising campaign.

Landing pages are perfect for advertising a specific product or service that you offer. Although customizable, a landing page typically has conversion-focused content, media, and design with a contact form, call button, or other call-to-action. Convert faster and easier with professionally designed landing pages.

For the best results of any online marketing campaign, you want your potential customers to find exactly what they want with an easy way to buy. You don’t want them to get lost clicking around your website. This is where a dedicated landing page comes in.

What is a Landing Page?

Landing pages are the kingpins of the conversion world. They are designed as the final step that encourages leads to take a specific action. Your digital marketing efforts need to direct leads somewhere. Every click has a destination, and that should always be a landing page.

While you can send people to a general service or product page on your website, it won’t have the same impact as a landing page. Landing pages are like one big call-to-action: you can send people there from other digital marketing channels, like social media, pay-per-click (PPC), emails, ads, or YouTube videos. Each piece of your digital marketing puzzle needs a clearly defined connection that tells your leads where to go and what to do.

Landing pages have one overall goal: to increase conversion rates. Whether you want purchases, sign-ups, registrations, information queries, or even survey answers, landing pages are specifically designed to get your visitors to act. They’re best used for:

  • Paid search campaigns
  • Paid/organic social campaigns
  • Email campaigns
  • Traditional print ad campaigns
  • Podcast/video campaigns

In other words, when you have a specific message in an ad, your landing page hits the message home.

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Benefits of a Landing Page

Landing pages are laser focused. They allow you to meet your ad campaign goals by narrowing in on a specific message to get a specific result. While their main goals are conversions and lead generation, they are at the root of improving ROI for your ad campaigns. They help you:

  • Grow your contacts:
    Landing pages help you collect more email addresses, allowing you to create meaningful, long lasting relationships with new customers.
  • Understand your audience:
    With the right messaging, landing pages make it easier to understand your audience and fine tune your marketing efforts to become more effective.
  • Streamline lead qualifying:
    Your sales team can streamline their lead qualifying process to find higher quality leads closer to the end of the sales funnel.
  • Measure and compare:
    Landing pages allow you to test and retest by using different messages and designs to find out where you are more successful. This keeps your marketing on point.
  • Eliminate choices:
    Home pages and typical web pages provide too many links and choices for a lead. A landing page eliminates choices and offers only one option for your leads to make. This increases conversions.
  • Improve user experience:
    When someone clicks a link, they want to find an answer to a question, even if a question wasn’t asked. Landing pages improve user experience by providing the exact information a visitor expects to find. This boosts your credibility and clearly defines the value of your product or service.
  • Make your brand memorable:
    Remarketing efforts become far more effective when you can persuade a lead to take the next step in their customer journey. Landing pages make that next step clear, helping to make your brand more memorable when it appears in remarketing efforts.

What’s the Difference Between a Web Page and a Landing Page?

Websites are like an information booth. They introduce your destination to visitors, help them find general information, and allow people to decide what areas they wish to explore. They’re a major branding and SEO tool, but they need support. Landing pages are more of a main attraction.

With a landing page, you invite people to visit via your digital marketing efforts, or sometimes through other web pages on your site. When a visitor arrives on a landing page, they instantly see why they’ve arrived. They discover an intriguing story with clearly defined instructions for what they should do once they arrive. Landing pages are the most important element of your website as they offer next level call-to-actions that drive people to take the next step in their customer journey.

Frequently Asked Landing Page Questions

How do landing pages work?

Landing pages help you convert visitors into leads by using a clear, single call-to-action. When you run a campaign, your landing pages make it easier for visitors to understand the next step and be more likely to take it.

Why are landing pages important?

Landing pages are the easiest way to get visitors to act. They allow you to do many things from qualifying leads to collecting email addresses and getting people to the shopping cart to even collecting demographics for marketing analysis. You eliminate noise and reduce your message to a single purpose making it easier for visitors to take the next step.

How do I know if I need a landing page?

Simply put, you do. There are many different reasons you might need a new landing page! If you find that your current home page doesn’t convert, or you’re running a PPC campaign that you need to be able to direct to a specific page, you’ll likely need to have a new landing page created.

The beauty of landing pages is that you can have as many as you need. You can repurpose them or use the links for any number of reasons. Have a promotion? Explain it with a landing page. Is it the holidays? Merry up your messaging with a landing page. Are you launching new products or services? Get people to learn more about them. There is no end to what you can achieve when you create a landing page specifically designed to help you reach your goals.

How long does it take to build a landing page?

The length of time it takes to create a landing page depends on several factors. From design to content to customized options, each landing page varies in complexity. A well-designed landing page with a compelling message typically takes less than one month from conception to execution.

Do I need more than one landing page?

If you have different products you’re advertising, you’ll want a separate landing page to speak to each of them. It’s also an extremely helpful way to increase your quality score, which can lead to less money having to be spent on Google Ads!

Let us create landing pages designed to speak to your audience in a direct and meaningful way. Call us today and learn more about how we help convert visitors with customized landing pages.