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  • Creative Design
  • Branding
  • UI/UX

User Experience (UX)

User experience (UX) is the key to driving conversions and customer loyalty on your website.

TechWyse establishes positive online experiences for your business with our expertise in research, design, and development. We test and optimize your site to eliminate user frustration and maximize conversions.

We focus our efforts on optimizing for UX as your digital marketing efforts would be ineffective if you fail to address user pain points on your website. Our UX web design team works to eliminate user frustration in order to improve your ROI.

We perform a customer analysis in order to address issues and improve site functionality, followed by our technical process. We’ll create sitemaps, wireframes and mockups that optimize flow and test for any potential errors that would prevent a user from converting. Then we execute and test your UX website design in order to continuously improve results.

User Experience at TechWyse Internet Marketing

What Is User Experience

User experience or UX describes how a person feels when interacting with any computer system. Whether it’s with a website, an app, software or any other kind of system — UX describes what a person is thinking and feeling when interacting with it.

What is User Experience

A positive UX is critical when it comes to having high engagement with your website. If users have a negative UX, they are unlikely to engage with your website for very long or want to return to it. Low engagement means they may not purchase your product or recommend that their friends visit it.

For a user to have a positive user experience, they must be able to:

  • Easily access and navigate your website
  • Understand the purpose of your website
  • Easily explore your website — not cluttered with ads or other distractions
  • Able to obtain credible information or purchase a product from your website successfully

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How We Create a Better User Experience

At TechWyse, we’ll work to enhance the overall user experience of your website. There are three main steps involved in our process of improving user experience:

  • Researching your target audience to determine their goals, motivations, and expectations
  • Planning out website design to ensure your site is attractive, responsive, and mobile-friendly
  • Executing and implementing our UX strategy to analyze user’s reactions to your website. We’ll measure how they interact with your site and use analytic tools to learn more about who is visiting your website
Create A Better User Experience


Before we start the design and implementation process, we research your target audience. Understanding your target audience helps us get a better idea of how to design your website most effectively. During our research phase, we:

  • Look for insights about your core user base — what are their wants and needs, and what do they want to get out of your website?
  • Analyze your current site navigation and look for ways to make improvements so it’s easier for users to navigate your site. If users can’t find their way around your site easily, they’re likely to leave it quickly.
  • Determine the best way to make it easier for users to find actionable and accessible information. The faster and easier users can get more information or buy a product, the more likely they will take that step.


We use the research results to determine how to design your site best. We’ll create a prototype to establish how your website should look, focussing on the following:

  • Page mockups, including details such as what fonts to use and what colour scheme to follow.
  • Interactive elements such as animation, hover effects and links. While these can add visual appeal to your website, it’s important to think about how they impact your site’s overall look and feel — too many can cause visual clutter.
  • Improving the placement of design, content, and conversion elements on your website.
  • Ensuring that your website is responsive and mobile-friendly — Google rewards websites that give their users a mobile-friendly user experience.
improve Website User Experience


Once we’ve completed the research and developed a design, we’ll be ready to execute our vision for your website. Our web designers execute the strategy to ensure that your website is interesting, engaging, and effective.

After the site is up and running, we’ll do A/B testing to ensure our strategy is the right one for your website. With A/B testing, we’ll test two different page variations and make improvements or changes based on those results. We’ll continually use the results from our testing to improve the UX of your website.

A Better User Experience with TechWyse

At TechWyse, we have a team of over 150 marketing experts with extensive experience in creative design, website traffic building, and website tracking and measurement. We’re passionate about making sure that you don’t just have a website that looks good — you should also have a website that offers a positive and pleasant user experience.

We’ll work with you to make sure that we’re clear on what your goals are — and make them a reality. Whether you want to have higher user engagement or make your website easier to navigate, at TechWyse, we’ll find a way to improve your user’s experience!

With our three-step research, design, and testing process, you know that your website is in good hands.

A Better User Experience With TechWyse

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Frequently Asked User Experience Questions

Can UX web design help my SEO strategy?

Yes! Search engines like Google want to provide users with the best possible experience and most relevant results. Users who have a positive experience on your website are more likely to share and link back to your pages, improving organic ranking – therefore, user experience indirectly affects your SEO strategy.

How is UX website design different from UI website design?

User interface design (UI) and UX go hand in hand. UI refers to the design of your website; UX ensures that the website is easy to use and customized to meet the needs of the user. Essentially, failing to implement UX design on your site would be like building a house without a roof.

How do I know if I need a UX-optimized website?

If you’re looking to improve your bottom line – you need to optimize for UX. Additionally, if your website is experiencing a high bounce rate, or if you’re driving traffic but failing to produce conversions, you’re likely in need of UX design.

How will UX improve my conversion rates?

The experience a user has on your website will determine their opinion of your products or services. Creating a website that addresses your customer’s pain points will eliminate frustrations and move them more easily through the sales funnel.