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Free Internet Marketing Tools by TechWyse

At TechWyse, we use a lot of great tools to help us get you the best results. Sometimes we even create tools to help fill unmet needs!

This page contains links to the tools we’ve created, and best of all, these tools are free of charge. If you like them, please feel free to share them, bookmark them, or better yet, link to them!

Have an idea for cool tool idea? Get in touch and let us know!


SEO Ranking Difficulty Test

Welcome to the TechWyse Ranking Difficulty test. We selected North America's most populous cities and have pulled in the top 10 websites ranking on Google for the keyword "SEO+city." E.g. "SEO Toronto."

You'll also see relevant metrics like Authority and Trust metrics from Moz and backlink data from SEMrush. We also analyzed the number of words on homepage as well as site speed. In total we've pulled in 4 APIs to deliver these metrics.


Facebook Image Checker for Promoted Posts

Are your promoted posts being disapproved? It could very well be a result of Facebook’s text ad policy. Facebook only allows for 20% of your image area to be text. Too much text and your ad will be disapproved.

Before we created this tool it was very difficult to tell which ads would be approved. So we made this to help make it easier to know whether your promoted post image meets Facebook’s image policy guidelines, saving you from ad approval delays!


Lorem Ipsum Site Scanner

Have you ever launched a website only to later notice that you’ve left dummy text somewhere on a remote page? This tool is designed to save you from having to go through that moment again or, if you’re lucky, for the first time!

Simply enter your domain and the Lorem Ipsum checker will scan your website for dummy text and provide you with a list of URLs that need to be cleaned up.

We don’t just stop at Lorem Ipsum, we’ll also scan for terms like “Coming soon,” “Under construction,” “The quick brown fox,” and more!


WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts: Google Chrome Extension

Writing, editing, structuring and monitoring content in WordPress is a tedious task, one that people across many industries share. Whether you're running a blog, website or portfolio, you know formatting can consume your valuable time.

Our WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts extension for Google Chrome solves this problem by providing you with an easily accessible map of all the shortcuts you'll need to manage your dashboard. From simply bolding or underlining words, to advanced editing and comment moderation, this tool helps you to make WordPress formatting seamless and easy.